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PCCC training on "Strengthening climate resilience and safe water access in rural areas in the Pacific, Melanesia"
17 - 21 April
This is a follow up training from the previous virtual training program Enhancing climate resilience and safe water access in rural areas in the Pacif...
GCCA+ SUPA In Country Technical Support Mission to Nauru for project implementation activities in April 2023
17 - 30 April
Pacific Regional Dialogue: PCC-6th Assessment Cycle (AR6) Synthesis Report (SYR) & PE for IPCC Assessment Reporting Cycles & Research
13 - 14 April
The Pacific Climate Change Centre hosted by SPREP in partnership with the Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions at the Australian Nat...
High-level dialogue on the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment and sustainable environment for Government Agencies
12 - 14 April
This activity is coordinated by the Office of the Ombudsman in collaboration with Samoa's Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, (funded) by t...
GCCA+ SUPA In Country Technical Support Mission to Chuuk FSM for project implementation activities in April 2023
12 - 25 April
Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia
PACRES Meetings with Donor and partners - USP, SPC, PIFS and EU
11 - 13 April
Suva, Fiji
PACRES Project Mission to Fiji - Progress and follow up KRA Meeting with Donor EU and partners, PIFS, SPC, and USP.
GCCA+ SUPA In Country Technical Support Mission to Fiji for project implementation activities.
26 March - 07 April
PACRES Mission - Papua New Guinea
26 March - 06 April
Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea is one of five Pacific ACP countries where the €12 million EU funded Intra-ACP GCCA+ Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change and Resilie...
PACRES Mission - Vanuatu
20 - 24 March
Vanuatu is one of five Pacific ACP countries where the €12 million EU funded Intra-ACP GCCA+ Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change and Resilience Build...