SUPA/PCCC/PACRES Sub Regional Training on the Impacts Methodology & Database
This is a follow up activity of the previous regional training in November 2022 on the same topic for participants of project countries (Fiji, Kiribat...
UNFCCC 58th Session SBSTA and SBI, 5 - 15 June 2023, Bonn, Germany
Bonn, Germany
- Provide technical advise and support to the PSIDS delegations and lead coordinators;
- Provide coordination support to PSIDS coordinati...
In-Country Training PICASO - Tuvalu
Funafuti, Tuvalu
In-country mission to Solomon Islands for Greening of the Games and PCCC Initiatives
Solomon Islands
To discuss the guidance toward ensuring strategic alignment of ‘Greening of the Games’ support with the Solomon Islands Government’s ‘Safe and Green G...
Climate Finance Access Network Regional Workshop
Republic of the Marshall Islands
PCCC Knowledge Brokerage Workshop in the Pacific, Melanesia and Polynesia
Introduce existing regional knowledge brokerage initiatives, tools, and processes in the Pacific. Explore country level knowledge brokerage related ac...
GCCA+ SUPA In Country Technical Support Mission to Cook Islands for project implementation activities in May 2023
Cook Islands
PACRES Mission to Tonga - Wrap up
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga is one of the fifteen Pacific ACP countries where the €12 million EU funded Intra-ACP GCCA+ Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change and Resilienc...
Knowledge Brokering Support Program Training of Trainers and Consultation
Suva, Fiji
The Australia Pacific Climate Partnership invites participation in the Training of Trainers (ToT) Workshop for the Knowledge Brokering Support Progr...