The objective of Nagoya Protocol is the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources, including by appropriate access to genetic resources and by appropriate transfer of relevant technologies, taking into account all rights over those resources and to technologies, andby appropriate funding, thereby contributing to the conservation of biological diversity and the sustainable use of its components.
This project will develop and implement the legal framework for implementation of the Nagoya Protocol and build national capacities in the Cook Islands for access and
benefit-‐sharing (ABS), as well as support development of an ABS Agreement based on traditional knowledgeband a Public-‐Private Partnership.
This project takes advantage of the potential use of the ‘Au’ tree, Hibiscus tiliaceus, abundant in the CookIslands, to apply Nagoya Protocol provisions.
The tree contains bioactive compounds used in traditional medical practices for accelerated bone healing and cartilage repair.
The project will aim to have a derivative of this genetic resource be commercialized and benefit the Cook Islands, local communities and contribute to the implementation of customary biodiversity and sustainable use practices, known as ra’ui.
This project has three main components;
1. Strengthened National Regulatory and Institutional Framework on ABS;
2. Capacity Building and Awareness Raising for the Implementation of the National ABS Framework;
3. Bio-‐discovery and Benefit-‐sharing based on the Traditional Knowledge on Bone and Cartilage Regeneration.