The PACCSAP programme (2011-2015) supported 14 Pacific Island countries to build resilience to current and future climate risks through improved science and data, increased awareness of climate change and its impacts, and better adaptation planning. It delivered a range of projects with country governments, regional organisations and other development partners.
"The Pacific - Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning Program (PACCSAP) is part of the Australian Government’s International Climate Change Adaptation Initiative (ICCAI) to meet high priority climate change adaptation needs in vulnerable countries in the Pacific and East Timor. The $32 million PACCSAP is funded by Australian Aid (formerly AusAid) and will undertake research into the effects of climate change and develop the capacity of Pacific Island country and East Timor scientists, decision-makers and planners to access and apply information and tools to identify and develop in-country adaptation responses. PACCSAP has four main Components:
1. Capacity building of National Meteorological Services (NMS)
2. Communication and awareness
3. Effects of climate change on climate variability and extremes
4. Adaptation planning
The Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO through their research partnership in the Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research (CAWCR) will provide a collaborative research environment for implementing PACCSAP and in particular building capacity in partner country National Meteorological Services (Component 1) and undertaking research in climate change science (Component 3). This work will be undertaken in collaboration with countries in the region, regional organisations, other international science agencies and Australian universities to deliver in-country benefits. PACCSAP Components 2 and 4 are being implemented directly by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency."
At present, the best way to view and access programme outputs is via the PACCSAP Collection in the Terra Nova Climate Change Adaptation Repository.