Economy-­wide integration of climate change adaptation and disaster risk management to reduce climate vulnerability of communities in Samoa

Economy-­wide integration of climate change adaptation and disaster risk management to reduce climate vulnerability of communities in Samoa

This project aims to enhance a more efficient integration and management of adaptation and DRR/DRM into national development planning and programming and the resilience of communities’ physical assets and livelihoods across Samoa to climate change and natural disasters.

This will be accomplished through three major components:

  1. Strategic integration of climate change adaptation and disaster risk management in national policy frameworks and development planning through an economy-­‐wide approach (estimated budget: 825,000 USD): this component will result in CC adaptation, DRR and DRM mainstreaming in relevant policies, sectoral strategies, sub-­‐national strategies and budgeting processes through enhanced coordination of government institutions and in increased public finance management at the national and village level, with stronger capacity to access, manage, implement and monitor use of climate change funds at the national and village level.
  2. Enhanced resilience of communities as first responders of climate change-­‐induced hazards (estimated budget: 10,560,000USD) this component will result in increased resilience, and decreased exposure and susceptibility of communities to climate change and natural disasters by protection of household and community assets and promoting resilient livelihoods and in CCA/DRR plans development and implementation.
  3. Knowledge about CCA and DRR is captured and shared at the regional and global level (estimated budget: 350,000 USD): this component will develop a knowledge management strategy, including national awareness campaigns and information sharing through existing international platforms and new multimedia platform and a M&E system to strengthen institutional coordination and enhance the effectiveness of the interventions on adaptation with economy wide approach.
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