Developing J-NAP ( an integrated approach to reduce risks including through joint disaster tisk management (DRM) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) PLAN

Developing J-NAP ( an integrated approach to reduce risks including through joint disaster tisk management (DRM) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) PLAN

In October 2010 SOPAC/SPC commenced support to the Cook Islands on the development of a Joint DRM and Climate Change Adaptation National Action Plan. An outcome of this engagement thus far (implementation of the Joint NAP is yet to commence formally) is that the Office of the Prime Minister has agreed to take a lead role in the coordination of DRM and Climate Change after acknowledging the importance of disaster and climate risk as a crosscutting development issue. Given the fledgling state of the new joint unit for DRM and Climate Change within the Office of the Prime Minister the SOPAC Division will provide further support to strengthen its capacity to deliver against its responsibilities through dedicated technical assistance. This commenced from 1st September 2011 for a 3-month period.

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