Republic of Fiji National Ocean Policy

Republic of Fiji National Ocean Policy

The National Ocean Policy intends to support, synergise, promote and establish best practice standards for oceans management within the Fijian Government and for all relevant stakeholder groups including community groups, non-government organisaitons and, the private sector.. It will chart a path to the strengthening of sectoral polices and legislations based on identified gaps, lessons learned from national implementation, evolving international good practice, and recent international developments and commitment. The NOP will be able to steer effective stakeholder coordination to address gaps towards the implementation of the Fijian Government’s key ocean related priorities.

The vision of the NOP is to provide for “a healthy ocean that sustains the livelihoods and aspirations of current and future generations of Fiji.” The mission of the NOP is “to secure and sustainably manage all of Fiji’s ocean and marine resources.” 

The NOP establishes a National Ocean Policy Steering Committee (NOPSC) with inter-ministerial representation that will oversee the progress of its implementation and deliverables. Subsidiary working groups, with defined tasks and associated protocols, will be established if necessary by the NOPSC. 

The NOP was developed under the Ministry of Economy’s guidance following extensive consultation with Government agencies, civil society organisations, locally based community groups, ocean experts and individuals. 

The NOP will be reviewed periodically by the NOPSC to assess lessons learned and updated as needed, including in light of evolutions in economic and ecological conditions, and good practices and updated knowledge.

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