Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat

Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat

PIFS is the permanent Chair of CROP and co-chair of the CROP Executive Sub-Committee on Climate Change and Disaster Resilient Development, and coordinates stakeholder (including CROP and development partners) activity in the region. In doing this, it is guided by Forum Leaders’ decisions and the Framework for Pacific Regionalism. As Secretariat to the Leaders, PIFS coordinates the negotiation of partners’ engagement with the Pacific region, which helps guide where partners allocate their development assistance and ensures alignment with regional priorities. 

PIFS work on climate change related issues is guided by the decisions of Forum Leaders and Ministers. PIFS current mandate is in climate change financing, in particular supporting Pacific Island Countries to improve their access to, and management of, climate change resources. Emphasis has been placed on accessing international climate change financing mechanisms and sources, and facilitating improved management of these resources at the national level through national systems wherever possible. This is supported by initiatives such as the Pacific Climate Change Finance Assessment Framework (PCCFAF) and the Forum Compact Peer Reviews, which seek to strengthen national systems and enhance country readiness for direct access.

Other key areas of climate change related work, in collaboration with SPREP, SPC, USP and partners include support to the UNFCCC negotiations, human security aspects of climate change, and resilient development.


  1. Climate change finance country assessment reports (refer to…
  2. Pacific Environment Community (PEC) Fund (refer to…)  

CC Focal points

  1. Mr. Exsley Taloiburi, Acting Climate Change Finance Adviser - [email protected] 
  2. Dr. Scott Hook, Economic Infrastructure Adviser - [email protected]
  3. Mr. Timothy Bryar, Conflict Prevention Adviser - [email protected]
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