Kiribati launches its NDC Implementation Roadmap and NDC Investment Plan including Project Pipeline

Kiribati launches its NDC Implementation Roadmap and NDC Investment Plan including Project Pipeline

NDC Implementation Roadmap and NDC Investment Plan including Project Pipeline 

The Kiribati Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Implementation Roadmap and NDC Investment Plan including Project Pipeline was launched last week by the Office of Te Beretitenti  (Office of the President) in Tarawa, Kiribati.

The Regional Pacific NDC Hub through its implementing partner the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) supported Kiribati through 2019-2021 to develop these two national documents which help chart a pathway to support Kiribati in achieving its NDC targets.  The NDC Implementation Roadmap and Investment Plan  focus on the transport (land, maritime, and domestic aviation) and energy efficiency sectors and has identified mitigation opportunities (projects) which, upon implementation will contribute to  Kiribati achieving its NDC targets.

NDC Implementation Roadmap

The goal of Kiribati’s NDC Implementation Roadmap is to provide a temporal pathway for the implementation of mitigation actions in the domestic transport and energy efficiency sectors which contribute to Kiribati’s NDC targets. The NDC Implementation Roadmap was developed in parallel with the NDC Investment Plan which also includes a project pipeline of mitigation opportunities under the close guidance and leadership of the Office of Te Beretitenti. The objective is to contribute to the NDC target of Kiribati through a total mitigation of up to 33,100 tCO2 annually by 2030, and this is 42% of the projected BAU emission for 2030.

NDC Investment Plan including Project Pipeline

The NDC Investment Plan outlines 15 primary mitigation opportunities which consist of 9 opportunities in the transport sector and 6 opportunities in the energy efficiency sector. In addition to this, there are also 9 secondary mitigation opportunities which have been identified in the NDC Investment Plan for Kiribati.

In the transport sector, the primary mitigation opportunities have the potential to reduce 115,400 tCO2 in the 2020 through 2030 period, and to reach a mitigation potential of 18,200 tCO2/year in 2030. This is a potential mitigation of 23% of the estimated BAU baseline in 2030 as defined in the NDC from 2016. This leads to a combined potential mitigation cost of 1,400 US$/tCO2.

In the energy efficiency sector, the primary mitigation opportunities have the potential to reduce 62,500 tCO2 in the 2020 through 2030 period, and to reach a mitigation potential of 14,900 tCO2/yr in 2030. This is a potential mitigation of 19% of the estimated BAU baseline in 2030 as defined in the NDC from 2016. This leads to a combined potential mitigation cost of 760 US$/tCO2 for the primary opportunities during the period of 2020 through 2030.

Kiribati works towards achieving its climate commitments under the Paris Agreement through a collaborated effort from both the public and private sector to help achieve its ambitious climate goals.

Kiribati’s NDC Implementation Roadmap can be found here:

Kiribati’s NDC Investment Plan including project pipeline can be found here:

The Regional Pacific NDC Hub is administered by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, and implemented in partnership with the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), the Pacific Community – SPC, and the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP).

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