

The Pacific Climate Change Finance Assessment Framework (PCCFAF) has been developed in response to the need to approach climate change financing in an informed way, commensurate with the specific circumstances and challenges of FICs. While existing global approaches are being developed and trialled, they do not always consider aspects that are particularly relevant to the situation of small island developing states. Rather than developing a parallel framework the PCCFAF blends Pacific relevant aspects, especially climate change sources and capacity, into existing assessment approaches. This approach has emanated from, and has been piloted and refined through a case study of Nauru.

This work would not have been possible without the efforts of a number of organisations and people to whom the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat would like to express their gratitude: 

  • The Government of Nauru, who agreed that Nauru should undergo the first national climate change financing assessment;
  • The Australian Government, who provided financial and in-kind support that enabled completion of the study; and
  • The following key contributing organisations and stakeholders: AusAID, UNDP Pacific Centre; SPREP; SPC; EU; and EcoSTEPS.
Publication Year
2 013
Coral Pasisi (PIFS), Scott Hook (PIFS), Ryan Medrana (AusAID), Kevin Petrini (UNDP), and Exsley Taloburi (PIFS).
Resource Type
Physical Description