Unveiling Nigeria's Challenges at COP 19

Unveiling Nigeria's Challenges at COP 19

13 NOVEMBER 2013

With the commencement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Warsaw, Poland, Paul Obi writes on Nigeria's climate change challenges and the synergy required to make her case at the summit

If Nigeria needed any sign to come to terms with the dangers of climate change, the 2011/2012 flood disaster remains the most practical example. After several weeks of torrential rain, the country was caught napping; literally running from pillar to post. The World Bank in its second quarter annual report of the 2013 world economy alluded to the environmental disaster caused by the flood within that period as responsible for the slow pace of growth of the Nigerian economy. The bank went further to slash Nigeria's economic growth ratio down, just as it did with other economies around the world.

Read more at This Day Live: http://www.thisdaylive.com/articles/unveiling-nigerias-challenges-at-cop-19/164176/

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