Déjà vu: COP 18 and the climate change crisis

Déjà vu: COP 18 and the climate change crisis


As COP18 gets underway in Doha (26 November – 7 December) there is a distinct sense of Déjà vu – or that we have been here before. Many of the issues that have been negotiated during the past 17 Conference of the Parties (COP) negotiations, held under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), will again be up for debate in Qatar. 

Read more here: http://www.sabc.co.za/news/a/d4c664804db92200920fd60380ff593a/D%C3%A9j%C3%A0-vu:-COP-18-and-the-climate-change-crisis-20120712

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