UNFCCC 58th Session SBSTA and SBI, 5 - 15 June 2023, Bonn, Germany

UNFCCC 58th Session SBSTA and SBI, 5 - 15 June 2023, Bonn, Germany

- Provide technical advise and support to the PSIDS delegations and lead coordinators;
- Provide coordination support to PSIDS coordination meetings;
- Provide advise to the PSIDS Chair - Palau on PSIDS coordination meetings including setting the agenda, coordinating inputs from PSIDS lead coordinators for thematic streams, reporting including compilation of PSIDS records of meetings;
- Facilitate wider PSIDS bilateral meetings; and
- Attend SPREP bilateral meetings with donor countries and partners.

Expected output:
- Well supported and coordinated One CROP support to PSIDS delegations;
- PSIDS engagement in the negotiations strengthened through well developed technical briefs, regular updates and sharing of information across thematic streams, and with AOSIS and G77+China;
- Bonn session outcomes that address at least two PSIDS concerns;
- Clear gaps and issues highlighted based on what will come out of Bonn session to inform PSIDS deep dive sessions including other preparatory work for COP28;
- Some opportunities to engage with donor countries and partners in the lead up to COP28;

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