Papua New Guinea is one of five Pacific ACP countries where the €12 million EU funded Intra-ACP GCCA+ Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change and Resilience Building (PACRES), is scaling up adaptation/ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) pilots. This work is being implemented jointly by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), the Pacific Community (SPC) and the University of the South Pacific (USP).
The PACRES SPREP component of the project is entitled ‘Scaling up adaptation pilots in Central and Gulf Province Communities’. Under PACRES, SPREP will support the Scaling Up of a Water Security option Project implemented by EU-GIZ Adapting to Climate Change and Sustainable Energy (ACSE) Programme in Keapara village of Rigo District in the Central Province. In addition, SPREP will also implement Shoreline protection, Food and water security options for the Karama community in Malalaua District of the Gulf Province. PACRES project has an officer based at the Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA), CCDA is working closely with SPREP to scale up activities to be implemented on-ground.
The PACRES SPC component of the project administer and manage a grant facility to complement the implementation of other pilot adaptation activities led by SPREP. Several SPC grants applicants in PNG have been shortlisted for relevant projects in PNG fand implemented with CCDA monitoring the process.
The PACRES USP component in consultation with Dr. John Duguman at UPNG implement capacity development and activities designed to strengthen existing climate change, disaster resilience and sustainable development networks. A Participatory Needs Analysis has been conducted to gauge training needs at sub-national and community levels in the PACRES geographical locations and within the identified sectors. Training has been delivered at sub-national and community levels as per identified need. The PACRES USP is working on building a community of practice, supporting the development of an innovative tool for sub-national/community development planning, followed by workshops to train communities and adaptation practitioners. In addition, depending on permission from governments, PACRES USP will aim to integrate climate change, disaster risk management and rights-based approaches in sub-national development plans. In addition, change agents/champions will also be trained on rights-based approaches. Wherever possible, PACRES USP and PACRES SPREP will coordinate to complement training activities delivered at sub-national and community levels.
Most of the scale up adaptation activities implemented in Karama and Keapara communities were stalled for most part of the time due to COVID 19 pandemic and restrictions by the government, limiting activities in country. We have picked up momentum from in the third quarter of 2022 and building on this year