Risk Matrix Case Study 1

Risk Matrix Case Study 1

This risk matrix was prepared for the β€˜Funafuti Green Waste Management Program’ – a program which is being implemented by the Solid Waste Authority of Tuvalu (SWAT) and which is part of the National Integrated Waste Policy and Action Plan (2016).
The overall objective of the Funafuti Green Waste Management program is to β€˜reduce the volume of green waste going to landfill’. The program design includes three inter-related strategies to achieve the overall project objective. These comprise:

  1. Strategies to reduce the amount of green waste generated at source, and to improve segregation at collection points. These include an awareness initiative for home composting and segregation, and strengthened enforcement of solid waste regulations pertaining to segregation.
  2. Strategies to improve the efficiency of green waste collection and conversion services. These include revisions to the green waste collection schedule, revisions to the asset management plan, modifications to practices for producing mulch, modifications to practices for producing woodchips, and introduction of a new pricing and cost-recovery strategy. A further and key strategy is to produce a new product – compost. Compost is a mixture of mulch and manure.
  3. Strategies to increase the (demand and) level of use of recycled product. This is an advertising campaign for mulch, woodchip and compost products.
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