High-resolution gridded wave parameters (significant wave height, peak period, peak direction, wave dissipation, etc.) for the entire atoll of Funafuti. This data collection comprises 200GB , >10000 files and scripts. Access to this data is restricted and relies on scripts. Please phone or email the contact person for this data collection to discuss access to the data.
Lineage: Numerical model nested in PACCSAP Global Wave Hindcast, utilizing a hybrid dynamic/statistic scheme to generate hourly values, 1979-2013.
Credit: PACCSAP Global Wave Hindcast, Tide gauge data provided by Australian Bureau of Meteorology and the University of Hawaii. Global tide model provided by Oregon State University; satellite altimetry provided by Ssalto/Duacs and distributed by Aviso. This data collection is a product is funded and supported by the Australian Government through the Pacific Australian Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning Programme (PACCSAP). PACCSAP was funded by Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade, managed by the Department of the Environment and the science was delivered by the partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology.
This output was produced as part of PACCSAP Project 1.4.4: Effect of climate change variability and change on extreme sea levels and coastal impacts.
Project Description: This activity builds on extreme sea level research undertaken during the PCCSP. Historical extreme sea level events known to cause erosion and inundation will be analysed at selected locations across the Pacific. Projections of extreme sea level events will be assessed for Fiji and Samoa. Wave transformation during extreme sea level events will be examined across Funafuti atoll (Tuvalu).