Atoll Island Hydrogeology and Vulnerability to Seawater Intrusion: a Literature Review (Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment (BIVA))

Atoll Island Hydrogeology and Vulnerability to Seawater Intrusion: a Literature Review (Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment (BIVA))

This document reviews previous literature on fresh groundwater lenses (FGLs) on atoll islands, their investigation using models, and the susceptibility of these systems to impacts from ocean overtopping. In particular, this document outlines current knowledge gaps pertaining to the associated density-dependent flow and transport processes, and other areas of future research that are needed to improve current understanding of these important natural resources.

The Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment (BIVA) project aimed to improve understanding of the vulnerability of the Bonriki freshwater reserve to coastal hazards and climate variability and change. Improved knowledge of risks to this freshwater resource will enable better adaptation planning by the Government of Kiribati. This BIVA project was supported by the Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science Adaptation Planning (PACCSAP) programme.

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