Action Against Climate Change (A2C2) - youth generated content 'voices of youth' Samoa Leifi'ifi College - Minimize the climatic and human impacts on drinking water

Action Against Climate Change (A2C2) - youth generated content 'voices of youth' Samoa Leifi'ifi College - Minimize the climatic and human impacts on drinking water

This audio production was developed by the Action Against Climate Change (A2C2), a Pacific Media Assistance Scheme (PACMAS) initiative showcasing 'voices of youth' to raise awareness about local climate change solutions. It explores the ways that people in Samoa can minimize the climatic and human impacts on drinking water.

You can listen via SoundCloud or via the PACMAS website.

File Type: soundcloud MP3 file, 12.3MB

Produced by the students of Leifi'€™ifi College in Samoa for a Pacific Media Assistance Scheme (PACMAS) initiative, with funding from the Australian Government's Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning Initiative. A2C2 is implemented by Apidae Development Innovations. PACMAS is funded by the Australian Government and managed by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC).

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