In 2015 Pacific iCLIM project officers visited each of their three pilot countries and worked with local government officers to undertake data and information stocktakes.
The stocktakes were carried out in Vanuatu (June 2015), Fiji (July 2015) and Tonga (August 2015).
The purpose of the climate change data/information stocktake in the three pilot countries was to:
- Discover what data and information assets (related to climate change planning and decision making) are being created and held within departments or organisations
- Explore how those data and information assets are currently stored and shared
- Identify the custodian or contact point for these information assets
- Identify any risks e.g. sensitivities, confidentiality, misuse around these assets
- Learn about departmental attitudes towards data and information sharing
- Identify any opportunities for increased exposure or sharing of information
- Compile an inventory of this information and share as appropriate
- Improve accessibility to this information where possible (through the national climate change portals)
- Assist UNFCCC Third National Communication (TNC) project officers with the collection of reportable data
- Build on the stocktake work done at the inception of the CCCPIR Project to document land-based resource sector data and database systems in Fiji, Tonga and Vanuatu (GOPA 2011).
- Build and strengthen positive relationships between climate change departments and other government departments and agencies on which they depend for information
- Increase awareness and promote the concepts of information sharing and open data.