
Samoa Observer, 30th September 2018

PR - Samoa Primary School, in partnership with UNDP-GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP) is taking climate smart innovative agro-ecology project to the next level, to become Samoa’s first ever GREEN SCHOOL.

 With this aim, the school has undertaken transformative initiatives to educate students into protecting the environment, adapting to climate change and building a non-dependant fossil fuel society. The school believes that having a GREEN SCHOOL would not only instil green and healthy living into their students but also will have a trickle effect, as students expose members of their own families and friends in the process. 

The GREEN SAMOA PRIMARY SCHOOL concept is supported (but not limited) to the following four sub-projects/initiatives: 1. Adapting and Living with Clean Energy - create a demonstration science laboratory with sustainable solar energy and water supply rainwater harvest system 2. Planting My Tree for Our Future -planting over 1,972 trees to counter over 400,000kg CO2 emissions 3. Sustainable Teaching Garden “Eat What You Grow” -creating green gardens, compost system and recycling models within school 4. Climate Change Week 2017 -public awareness and advocacy by students and teachers to showcase their climate change projects to influence Samoan readers.

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