Planning For Resilience In Kosrae And Tuvalu

Planning For Resilience In Kosrae And Tuvalu

15 DECEMBER 2015

One of the main priorities for the Kosrae State Government is planning to move vulnerable communities inland away from the coastal fringe areas affected by inundation, coastal change and projected sea level rise. To assist Kosrae State Officials address the many issues involved in making such a move, the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)-Asian Development Bank(ADB) Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) were in Korea in November to consider the findings of a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) of an inland road link to facilitate this move. Building on the CBA, Kosrae officials also benefited from technical assistance to develop a logic model and related Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework for a broader program design to help these communities adapt to coastal flooding risks. Together the CBA and M&E work has helped the Kosrae State Government to develop a more comprehensive approach to effectively build resilience over the longer term. These inputs will be used to make the case for adaptation fund proposals as well as other overseas development project requests. 

Central Agency Appraisal Workshop– Tuvalu

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