Behind Obama's $400 million budget request to relocate entire Alaska villages

Behind Obama's $400 million budget request to relocate entire Alaska villages

11 FEBRUARY 2016

WASHINGTON -- When President Barack Obama visited Alaska last summer, he did not stop in tinyKivalina, a village of about 400 that has become a poster child for climate vulnerability. But he did fly over it, and the view from Air Force One revealed just how exposed the community truly is.

Located on a thin barrier island well above the Arctic Circle, and facing severe erosion as declining sea ice exposes its coast to large waves, Kivalina needs to relocate -- which could cost well over $100 million. And now, Obama's budget request to Congress includes a proposed $400 million "to cover the unique circumstances confronting vulnerable Alaskan communities, including relocation expenses for Alaska Native villages threatened by rising seas, coastal erosion, and storm surges."

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Source: Alaska Dispatch News

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