ACP member states from the Pacific Region, comprising Cook Islands, Timor-Leste, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu
A major climate change adaptation project funded by the GEF and the Australian Government, and implemented by UNDP and SPREP in the Pacific region. It worked to enhance the adaptive capacity and mainstreaming of climate risks into national development and planning and activities of Pacific Island countries.
A project implemented in Fiji, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu by the National Council of Churches in Australia, and organized by faith-based networks. It was designed to integrate community-focused disaster risk reduction programs with existing disaster risk reduction institutions.
A secretariat for the Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Movement. The Centre collects and disseminates information, advocates and lobbies, promotes understanding, and mobilisation of resources within and outside the region on five campaign areas: demilitarisation, decolonisation, environment, human rights and good governance, and sustainable human development.
The regional ecumenical organisation representing the Christian church in the Pacific Region. It seeks to pursue the visibility and unity of the member churches of the organisation and promote the ecumenical movement in the Pacific region.
An applied science, information and technology centre, working to reduce disaster risks and impacts on life, poverty, and economies worldwide. The PDC delivers information, tools and services used to support decision making in disaster response and civil-military humanitarian assistance operations, disaster risk reduction, mitigation and planning.
The PDRMPN was established in 2006 to support capacity building and assist Pacific island countries and territories in the implementation of the Pacific Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster Management Framework for Action 2005-2015.
A regional strategy for disaster risk management (DRM) in the Pacific. It is due to be replaced in 2015 by an integrated regional strategy that combines DRM and climate change (the Strategy for Climate and Disaster Resilient Development or SRDP).
A Pacific regional body formed to provide a forum for agencies involved in the design and delivery of emergency management training and development within the region to work together to ensure that through partnership arrangements there is an integrated regional approach to the building for national capacity.
A network of Pacific NGOs existing to facilitate communication and provide a common voice at regional and international forums. It also aims to strengthen Pacific forms of social development and improve the wellbeing of communities that are served by members of the NGO.
A free trade agreement amongst the 14 Forum Island Countries. The agreement enhances liberalisation of trade in goods through the removal of virtually all economic trade barriers between member States.
An intergovernmental organisation that aims to enhance economic, social and political cooperation between 16 independent countries of the Pacific Region. Members include Australia, Cook Islands, federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Republic of Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.
An international organisation established by treaty that enjoys legal personality in each of the sixteen member countries. It is responsible for implementing the decisions made by the Pacific Islands Forum and for a range of activities designed to improve the capacity of Forum member countries and co-ordinating actions on matters of common interest.
A regional strategy for climate change action in the Pacific. The framework aims to inform the decisions and actions of national, regional and international partners, and seeks to mainstream climate change into regional and national policies and plans. It is due to be replaced in 2015 by an integrated strategy (SRDP) that combines DRM and climate change.
A 5-year project that began in 2007, and worked to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the Pacific region through the promotion of renewable energy as an alternative to fossil fuels.
Non-state actors are entities that participate or act in international relations but do not belong to any established state institution. In the Pacific they include non-profit, voluntary groups organised at a regional level and headquartered in a PIF member state.
A strategic framework endorsed by Pacific Island Forum Leaders in 2005, with the purpose of strengthening regional cooperation and integration in the Pacific. It is a high-level framework that guides the economic growth, sustainable development, good governance and security of member states of the Pacific Islands Forum.
A programme funded under the 9th European Development Fund to assist capacity building in trade for the 14 Pacific ACP states. The project was administered through the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat with a number of regional agencies implementing the various components of the project.
Epidemic disease that spreads across a large region or even worldwide.
An intergovernmental organisation with 117 member states. It encourages the resolution of disputes that involve states, state entities, intergovernmental organisations, and private parties by assisting in the establishment of arbitration tribunals and assisting their work.
The process of formulating goals and objectives and determinating strategies and activities to achieve them.
Procedures developed and implemented by government(s) regarding the goal of mitigating climate change through the use of technologies and measures.
A frequently used phrase -- sometimes abbreviated as PAMs -- referring to the steps taken or to be taken by countries to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions under the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol. Some possible policies and measures are listed in the Protocol and could offer opportunities for intergovernmental cooperation.
A general statement or understanding that guides thinking in decision-making.
Degradation of one or more elements or aspects of the environment by noxious industrial, chemical or biological substances as a result of human or mechanical failure or mismanagement of natural and environmental resources.
Avoiding a solution that is irreversible, because the assumptions on which the solution is based may prove incorrect, in favour of a seemingly inferior solution that can be reversed.
Collaborative arrangements between the public sector (government/intergovernmental organizations) and the private sector (business enterprises/civil society organizations)
The process of informing the population, increasing consciousness of risks and spreading knowledge of how people can reduce the effects of hazards.