Tropical Cyclone Storm Tides in Nadi Bay, Fiji: Summary for Policy Makers

Tropical Cyclone Storm Tides in Nadi Bay, Fiji: Summary for Policy Makers

This report is a summary for policy makers on tropical cyclone (TC) induced storm surges and coastal sea levels. It summarises how the risk of these events may change under future climate scenarios and provides detailed hydrodynamic modelling of two recent TCs with a focus on the spatial variation of extreme sea levels along the Nadi coastline. This high resolution modelling highlights uncertainties in extreme sea level predictions associated with large gaps in high resolution bathymetry and topography near shore.

This publication was produced under the Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning (PACCSAP) programme. In Fiji the PACCSAP provided support to a World Bank-funded project to undertake detailed floodplain modelling of the Nadi floodplain, in order to inform flood risk mitigation measures for the township. This project aims to provide new information on coastal sea levels along the Nadi coastline during tropical cyclones (TCs) that can provide useful background information for the floodplain modelling.

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