GIS Layers showing vulnerabilities and catchment areas. Flood heights were calculated using EXCEL files and IDF curves.
This dataset was developed under the Climate Resilient Road Standards (CRRS) Project. The CRRS was funded directly by a grant from the Australian Government (under the Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning (PACCSAP) programme) to the Government of Vanuatu. It commenced in December 2013 and was completed in March 2015. Project Leader Dr David Lees, SMEC International.
Lineage: Using downloaded DEM files catchments were calculated. LIDAR data from PACCSAP surveys was also downloaded. Catchments were calculated using Manifold GIS software and the Rational Method.
File Size: LiDAR data requires 2 TB (2,000 Gigabytes) Total of 20 files
File Type: CSV, NETCDF Associated tool(s)/Dependencies Manifold, Excel. Operability requirements = 64 bit machine
Data Location Details: Public Works Department (PWD) Port Vila, Vanuatu. To access the dataset, please contact the Department or the data custodian Dr David G Lees, [email protected]