
The Republic of the Marshall Islands is a small country of 29 atolls and 5 islands comprised of about 70 square miles in land area spread over an expanse of ocean in the North Pacific of more than 700 square miles. The Marshallese people have a proud history of sustainably drawing from available resources and conserving the natural environment upon which their livelihoods depend. Due to the underlying geographical and economic context, Marshallese livelihoods are vulnerable to a range of natural and human-induced hazards perhaps more so than our larger island neighbours in other parts of the Pacific. Climate change in particular represents an enormous challenge to Marshallese people. Recognising the vulnerable nature of our country, we have embarked on this endeavour to identify climate change adaptation, risk reduction and disaster management measures and activities that will help to make our country a better place to live and our people more safe and secure. This Joint National Action Plan (JNAP) for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management National Action Plan is an important and integral supportive element towards the achievement of our sustainable national development imperatives. The aim of the JNAP is to enhance the resilience of the Marshall Islands people. It does this through providing all stakeholders, from communities, to national level to regional and international levels, with a nationally owned and driven guiding action plan that identifies key national priorities for reducing risk and vulnerability in the RMI. By developing strong and productive partnerships between communities, non-government organizations (NGOs) and local government, civil society, traditional leaders, the private sector, national government and regional and international organizations, the RMI will be able to prepare for existing and future vulnerabilities to provide healthy and sustainable livelihoods for its people.
Publication Year
2 014
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