A rapid vulnerability and adaptation (V&A) assessment was carried by a team consisting of the Tonga InCountry Coordinator (ICC) and five assistant officers that were trained in the Tonga sub-regional workshop. The assessment was carried out in three phases. Phase 1 was carried out by the ICC and 3 assistants in Tongatapu, from 17th to the 21st of September 2012. Phase 2 involved the ICC and two assistants in Ha’afeva, from 24th to the 27th of September 2012. Phase 3 also involved the ICC and two other officers in Vava’u from 1st to the 5th of October. Three villages were assessed in Tongatapu, namely Popua, Tatakamotonga and Sopu. Ha’afeva Island was chosen from the Vahelulunga in the Ha’apai group of islands. Tu’anekivale village from ‘Uta Vava’u and Ovaka from Vahemotu in the Vava’u group of islands.
The main objectives were to (i) assess the level of vulnerability of the sites identified, (ii) assess the status of the water supply, health and sanitation, food supply and security, energy sources, natural and coastal resources, sources of income, governance and socio-economic well-being (iii) rank these vulnerabilities to determine which three sites will be chosen as demonstration sites from the six being assessed.
This V&A assessment was carried out by the Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development (PACE_SD), USP, and was funded by the European Union (EU) Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) for addressing climate change adaptation (CCA) in the Pacific.