The following activities are being supported under the European Union funded GCCA: PSIS project in Tonga.
Climate change adaptation project
The ‘Trialling coastal protection measures in eastern Tongatapu’ project focuses on designing, building and monitoring the success of ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ engineering measures working in combination along two coastal stretches. One measure consists of the construction of permeable groynes coupled with beach replenishment and coastal planting. The second measure involves constructing short offshore breakwaters combined with beach replenishment and coastal planting.
Further information:
- Concept Note
- Project Design Document
- Project Planning Workshop
- Summary Information Sheet
- Formal Project Opening
- Climate Change Profile
- Monitoring and evaluation plan for coastal sites
- Final design report for coastal sites
Technical assistance with mainstreaming of climate change and improving access to climate finance
In Tonga, the GCCA PSIS project has supported:
- The preparation of a Diagnostic Study to support the preparation of an Integrated Coastal Management Plan (see the Final Coastal Characteristics and Issues Report and Annotated Table of Contents for ICM Plan).
- An assessment of the extent to which climate change has been mainstreamed into national and sectoral policies and plans (see a summary of the assessment).
- The Tonga Climate Change Policy was revised in 2015.
- Support has been provided for the legislation supporting the Tonga Climate Change Fund. Expected to be endorsed in 2016.
Training and capacity building
As part of the GCCA: PSIS project, several kinds of training have been delivered in Tonga:
- Proposal preparation and log frame analysis - February 2014 (see the workshop report, impact evaluation and learner's guide) and June 2015 (see the workshop report, impact evaluation and learner's guide).
- An south-south exchange between Tonga and Palau on coastal protection measure (see workshop report and media release ).
- See lessons learnt video produced as part of a series of nine country-specific climate change adaptation videos in 2015.
- National Lessons Learnt Workshop - October 2015 (see workshop report).