SimCLIM 2013 (Tools)

SimCLIM is a software tool designed to facilitate the assessment of risks from

The Seasonal Prediction of Extreme Ocean Temperatures / Coral Bleaching Tool provides seasonal forecasts of ocean temperature and coral bleaching risk. These forecasts are generated using the Australian

The FINPAC Project will be unique in its staged approach, coverage, focus and linkages across its suite of activities linked from NMS at the national level to users at the community levels.

The PACCSAP programme (2011-2015) supported 14 Pacific Island countries to build resilience to current and future

The ROK PI CLIPS is a project that will provide nationally-tailored seasonal

This presentation from Geoscience Australia summarises the  assessment of tropical cyclone risk in the Pacific region that was done as part o


Final report of the 2nd Pacific Meteorological Council (PMC) Meeting.