Climate Justice is About Preventing Structural Violence

Climate Justice is About Preventing Structural Violence

11 MARCH 2013

When we discuss climate change, global warming or the human-caused destabilization of global climate patterns, we think of science, of energy, of the natural environment. We do not, often enough, think about justice. And when we do, it is in the context of the right of rapidly industrializing nations to emit as much CO2 as the nations that led the industrial revolution from the early 19th to the early 20th centuries.

Then, when we are more thoughtful, we come to Tuvalu, Vanuatu, the Maldives and Micronesia, where entire nations may need to be evacuated, as the rising seas spurred on by rampant CO2 emissions, rush in. (Incidentally, in the US, places like the Rockaways, in Queens, and lowlying areas of Staten Island, the New Jersey shore and the entire state of Delaware, are now making plans for possible evacuation to higher ground, as sea levels rise and become increasingly expensive to manage.)

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