
This report describes the development of a regional coastal vulnerability framework that demonstrates the relative sensitivities of different islands in the Pacific to coastal change. The other outputs from this PACCSAP-funded project are:

(1) A digital database of 1,532 islands across the 15 partner countries. Further information regarding the database, and the database itself, is available in the article 'Classifying Pacific islands'.

(2) Three large scale annotated map sheets. Sheet 1 - Island types in the Pacific region;  Sheet 2 - €˜Indicative susceptibility of island types to climate change; Sheet 3 - €˜Geomorphic sensitivity of Pacific Island coasts to future climate-ocean processes€™.

(3) A summary report: Regional Coastal Susceptibility Assessment for the Pacific Islands: Summary Report.

Island polygons were obtained primarily from the World Vector Shorelines (GSHHG v2.2.2) data. Some polygons were amended to better fit underlying data (ESRI World Imagery basemap) Some smaller polygons were digitised. This publication was produced under the Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science Adaptation Planning (PACCSAP) programme.

Lineage: Island points were produced by using Google Earth to retrieve coordinates.

Credit: NOAA National Geophysical Data Centre ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model Google Earth -

Publication Year
2 015
Patrick D. Nunn, Lalit Kumar, Ian Eliot, Roger F. McLean
Resource Type
Rights Statement
Copyright Commonwealth of Australia, 2015. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence., with the exception of the Coat of Arms of the Commonwealth of Australia, the logo of the agency responsible for publishing the report, content supplied by third parties, and any images depicting people.
Attribution Statement
Nunn. P. D., Kumar. L., Eliot. I., McLean. R. F., 2015, Regional coastal susceptibility assessment for the Pacific Islands: Technical Report. Report prepared for the Government of Australia, Department of Environment.
Commonwealth of Australia